Binge Drinking and Anti-hangovers
The millennials want quick result-oriented and practical anti-hangover ‘stuff’, for their binge drinking rituals, if I may. Ayurveda Sciences have stepped up to rescue the binge drinkers specifically and everyone else who wants to be rescued with natural herbs. This rescue is from a hangover and not a solution to binge drinking. But is that enough? Or should the binge drinking culture be reviewed, pretty much like - the no-smoking culture’? The current pandemic is teaching us some hard health lessons, which present and future generations will find hard to ignore.
What is Binge Drinking?
On college and university campuses across western countries, many students aged 15 to 25 are taking part in a dangerous activity called binge drinking. This means drinking alcohol to the point of getting drunk. Binge drinking can lead to death from alcohol poisoning.
● Binge drinking (4 or more drinks for women or 5 or more drinks for men in a short period of time) typically leads to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that exceeds 0.08 g/Lidl, the legal driving limit in all states.
● US adults who binge drink consume an average of about 7-8 drinks per binge, which can result in even higher levels of alcohol in the body.
● The more you drink the greater your risk of disease or death.
For the millennials especially who binge drink, getting drunk is often the main goal. The aftermath of binge drinking includes dizziness, loss of coordination, diarrhea, vomiting, lack of judgment, or even passing out. If a person vomits when passed out, the airway can become blocked. The result can be catastrophic –brain damage or death.
Researchers from The University of Rochester Medical Center, US looked at the consequences of heavy drinking among binge drinkers. They found that each year:
● 1,825 college students die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes.
● 696,000 college students are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.
● 97,000 college students report an alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
Brain development in young adults
Most adults or students who take part in binge drinking still have developing brains. Brain development can last through age 21 to age 25. This puts the binge drinkers at greater risk for the poisons and consequences of drinking. Judgment and control are also affected by drinking leading to a dangerous and unhealthy path.
In New Zealand, College and University students binge drink at a higher rate than people of the same age who don't go to University. Some students go to university with a lot of past drinking experience. For others, it is a time of new freedom. They can engage in drinking and other risky behaviors without parents around.
In New Zealand, some young adults drink from the age of 14 years. Some parents allow their young adults to drink under supervision, even though the minimum age to buy alcohol is 18 years. Teenage brains are still developing, and alcohol can cause permanent damage to areas that control judgment, impulse control, and memory. Teens are more likely to binge drink (four to five or more drinks at a time) when they consume alcohol. This can lead to unplanned sexual activity, violence, and alcohol poisoning.
Most New Zealanders enjoy alcohol in moderation, but it's common knowledge that New Zealand adults are used to binge drinking. This alcohol over-consumption results in illness and social consequences.
Drinking has different effects on different people, depending on their DNA, genetics, weight, sex and metabolism. The short-term adverse effects, such as lack of coordination, mood swings and nausea are well known. The long-term effects on the body of teenagers can be prolonged and excessive drinking can include:
● Loss of feeling in hands and feet.
● Brain damage.
● Loss of memory.
● Hallucinations.
● Confusion.
● High blood pressure.
● Enlarged heart.
● Irregular pulse.
● Increased risk of infections including tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, increased cancer risk, bleeding, ulcers and muscle weakness.
For Men
● Impotence
● Shrinking of testicles.
● Sperm damage and lower sperm count.
For women:
● Increased gynecological problems.
● Fetus damage if pregnant.
● Increased risk of breast cancer.
Ayurveda giant pharmas like Himalaya and Dr. Vaidya in recent years have been supplying ‘party packs’ of herbal capsules for US $ 8-10 as anti-hangover pearls. The herbal solutions don’t come cheaply, but like everything else, millennials want quick and easy fixes. Himalaya’s ‘Party Smart’ anti-hangover capsules are available for you in the US. Another company Akiva sells ashwagandha shots of triphala and amla in the western world. There are other newbies on this nascent but fast-growing territory of anti-hangovers: anti-hangover capsules, powders, fizzy drinks or shots. Ayurvedic health systems have stepped up and are there to support you all, in your youthful challenges like, ‘who can drink more?’ or ‘who can remain sober and not have a hangover?’. Some of you are binge drinkers, others are gym-goers, into workouts, and still, others who are spiritual and into meditation. Finally, there are the baby boomers who are partying hard at home with dark rum, vodkas, and Scotch.
Having said the above, Millennials should be given credit for their health conscious attitude or healthier lifestyle compared to baby boomers. Millennia’s practice healthy activities like going to the gym, yoga or meditation. They are making conscious choices in deliberating about vegan or plant food, superfoods, ethical procurement, natural and Ayurveda sciences (for more details, visit ).
If you’re having trouble enjoying yourself at a party without a drink, you could be having a problem, according to your peers and colleagues. Very few people can stand up to peer and societal pressure. The Health Promotion Agency (HPA), New Zealand, suggests[1] that you should ask yourself:
● Do I find it difficult to stop drinking once I start?
● Does bad stuff often happen when I drink?
● Have I ever come around in Accident and Emergency (A&E)?
● Has drinking got me in trouble with the law?
● Do I suffer from monster hangovers?
● Does drinking cause trouble with whanau /family?
● Does drinking get in the way of work?
● Do I seem to never have any money?
● Do I want to change my drinking habits?
If your answer to any of the above questions is YES, that’s not a good sign for you, the non-drinker. But if your answer is a NO, throughout, you are unlikely to indulge in binge drinking.
Binge drinking has serious risks.
Binge drinking is associated with many health problem, including the following:
● Unintentional injuries such as car crashes, falls, burns, and alcohol poisoning.
● Violence including homicide, suicide, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.
● Sexually transmitted diseases.
● Unintended pregnancy and poor pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage and stillbirth.
● Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
● Sudden infant death syndrome.
● Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and liver disease.
● Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon.
● Memory and learning problems.
● Alcohol use disorders.
Ayurveda home remedies to overcome binge drinking' hangovers.
Binge drinking millennials and heavy drinking baby boomers are not much different, and a hangover is a hangover- degrees may vary. The millennials mostly drink in bars and pubs, whereas the baby boomers mostly drink at home or friend’s places or clubs. In both cases, the result is a hangover, ranging from a pounding headache, migraines, nausea, queasiness, dizziness, fatigue, muscle ache, or general irritability. Ayurveda has natural anti-hangover remedies, and they are not as heavy on the pocket as the branded ‘Shunya’ or ‘party packs’ or other such anti-hangovers discussed earlier in this blog.
13 Natural anti-hangovers that you will mostly find at home.
1. Apple: munch an apple on an empty stomach for fast relief.
2. Banana shake with honey: this resumes a lot of blood sugar and makes up for depleted minerals like potassium.
3. Cabbage: is a very effective anti-hangover. You may eat large quantities of cabbage leaves before drinking. Ancient Romans and Greeks had great faith in the anti-hangover power of cabbage. Cabbage with vinegar is a great after remedy. Cabbage and tomato juice also have anti-hangover properties.
4. Honey: is also an anti-hangover substance that aids digestion and adds fructose to your system. You may increase the frequency and quantity of honey intake depending on the acuteness of your hangover.
5. Lemon: Lemon tea without sugar
6. Lime: helps queasiness, dizziness, muscle-ache, and adds vitamin C as an antioxidant into your system.
7. Tomato: or tomato juice contains fructose. This helps to boost your metabolism. For faster relief, you may mix tomato juice with lemon juice.
8. Ginger: is an established treatment for nausea and sickness (also sea-sickness). It is probably the best anti-hangover and fast relieving Ayurveda root. Chew some ginger or have some ginger tea to soothe your stomach faster.
Recipe: add slices of ginger to 4 cups of water. Boil for 10 minutes and then add the juice of 1 orange, ½ lemon and ½ cup honey. Blend together and see how quickly it stabilizes your blood sugar levels[2]
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9. Peppermint herb tea: will relax your intestines. The Car amative (a drug that releases flatulence) in this herb removes gas from the stomach and intestines.
10. Antacids: can act as an anti-hangover to relieve your queasiness. You can also take Vitamin B or multivitamin capsules to relieve you from the night of binge drinking or carousing.
11.Water: drink plenty of water in between and after your drinking.
12. Cinnamon: is a Car amative and helps digestion of fats. Cinnamon acts as an anti-hangover by settling your indigestion and stabilizing your blood sugar and lowering cholesterol. If you have had plenty to drink and had a heavy meal full of meat, beef, cheese, etc. to have a full and exciting night, cinnamon tea is probably your best bet.
13. Turmeric water or golden milk: are top-notch DIY home anti-hangovers. The powerful anti-inflammatory herb will help you overcome the mental and physical adverse effects of alcohol and hangover. Turmeric will also help you from the toxic effects of alcohol by reducing oxidative stress on the liver.
Ayurveda has stepped up to tackle anti-hangovers with herbs and plants, which is much better and cheaper than allopathic medicines which may have side effects. There is active Ayurveda sciences research going on to tackle Alcoholism, Smoking (some solutions are underway), and Weight loss. For Weight loss ancient Ayurveda science has the solution that works but it needs to be refined by making it easy, quick and good packaging to attract the 21st century consumer. Therefore, all hope to rescue binge drinkers is not lost!
1. Take a look at or call the Alcohol Drug Helpline (0800 787 797).
2. TNN-Entertainment times, an online magazine of Economic times, India April 17, 2017 (TOI).
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